Monday, September 19, 2005

"When I was growing up, the Lunar Excursion Module was very important to us locals, one parent said that it was built all over, by small companies so no one had 'the big picture'. One thing the Navy did was continually look at Grumman's books, but I don't think NASA did, not 'micro-managing' perhaps. That part of Grumman has since left Long Island, NY merging with Northrup. The contest out there is still 'make something from Moon dust' which is interesting. Christa Corrigan McAuliffe, a 'Teacher In Space' participant, (deceased) has a planetarium named for her in Concord, NH. We owe it to those who have gone before to go ahead with a program of manned flight of some sort. We may owe our life on Earth to the Moon, as the ocean tides run every day due to it. The darkside of the Moon was mapped by the USSR way back in 1963 or so, the best place for a telescope would be there they say."

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