Friday, September 16, 2005

Singer Neil Diamond's Alma Mater Now A Squatter

Law Schools Denied Federal Funding After Barring Military Recruiters | The Huffington Post "The issue was thrust back into the public eye again Wednesday, when the Pentagon published in the Federal Register a notice that New York Law School had been placed on a list of higher education institutions that are "ineligible for contracts and grants by reason of a determination by the Secretary of Defense that the institution prohibits or in effect prevents military recruiter access to the campus, students on campus or student directory information."" If I was running one of those law schools, NYU's known "legal" rival Columbia University, which once had as its President, former General Dwight D. Eisenhower, in their archaeology laboratory I once worked in, belonging then to Ralph Solecki, PhD, now in Texas, who the "Clan of the Cave Bear" book was dedicated to, I would like nothing better than to "get them" over at the other law school this way. Ralph Solecki found the Neanderthal burials at Shanidar Cave in the Zagros Mountains(?) in Iraq, once referred to in an article as "Nature's First Flower Children?" because of the flower pollen found in the purposeful burials, leading to a debate on the burial practices of Neanderthals, which recent research has perhaps shown, homo sapiens once bred with. Hey, Columbia, what's with the women's football team there on your new field? Finally going to win a football game, the hard way? You know stuff like that I could do in government to keep my superiors happy.

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