Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bulb Bubble Trouble Double (Save the Hubble!)

Subject: Bulb Bubble Trouble Double (Save the Hubble!) From: GeorgeJMyersJr-2 Date: Jul 18 2004 8:26PM Wonderful article about a topic that has perplexed me. Recent reports also suggest the Dutch would like not to be reminded of stereotyping which may have resulted from this Pliny the Younger-like "Dearth of Olives" story. After all Tulips are from Turkey! I know in NYC they just planted like a gazillion of them all over and they look wonderful in Stuyvesant Square near the statue of Peter Stuyvesant and his wooden leg, formerly of Curacao before "inheriting" a terrible aftermath of war with the natives from former Governor Kieft, dismissed by the Dutch Company, who wanted a harbinger not. Thanks for helping clear the air, where tobacco, however which wouldn't grow in New Amsterdam (tried in "The Village" by an escaped indentured servant and his "master" from Virginia), became perhaps, another "mania". George Myers

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