Saturday, July 19, 2008

Write your own caption...

Some "Write your own caption" entries: So, you've been standing on his shoulders all along. Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into. And so in the early days of radio a mistake was made and "W" for west became the lead call sign letter in the East and "K" the one in the West. Kwest and Weast. Sorry Senator "bush meat" is illegal in the US of A, especially endangered species like that one. Don't mess with me and Texas. I know Walker. And I'm thinking of changing "Hail to the Chief" to "People Who Live In Glass Houses" by John Philip Sousa. Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh of a plant at the bottom of the ocean that will make him young again. Sorry Senator, Macy's has an "apolitical" clause in its Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons. Senator, that's "chip on your shoulder". "See no evil Miers", and hear "no evil" Gonzalez, will be by in a minute. First Lady Julia Gardiner Tyler lobbied hard for Texas statehood. We got the hood, they got the state, for 2x as many peanuts as for President Clinton! Yes the Old World and the New World monkeys came from the same smaller brain. Getting him to chase Bill's banana paid off! We're in the running! Lorne says, sorry, we already had a Mr. Peepers.

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