Friday, July 25, 2008

U.S. Soldiers, Firing at Taxi, Kill Son of Top Iraqi Editor

About Iraq
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost I feel terrible that we have become an occupying force that has fired upon the innocent. The area was cited in the Britannica as having a very old Catholic settlement there since 300 CE (AD). As a grad student I studied some Iraqi archaeology near Kirkuk and the oil fields of Mosul, the Nuzi site excavated by Starr of Harvard University in the 1930s, where cuneiform tablets were found from circa 1200 BC which provided a window into the daily life there. Part of the Mitanni kingdom, whose capital still hasn't been found. I thought, because it was on a crossroads of various cultures and peoples, a cosmopolitan city, it had been destroyed by more intolerant orthodox forces. Arrowheads were found in every corner of almost every room. Poor kid.

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