Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Clinton says she's thought of '08 run

Imagine if she hadn't said she had. Duh! I was in the White House in my unpaid job as First Lady in charge of many events and affairs and you know, it just never crossed my mind! Imagine that! And you know traditionally regarded in charge of "purse strings" imagine my surprise when the Congress votes a double pay raise for the incoming replacement President whose father occupied the White House prior to President Clinton's two terms. Gee I'd sound kind of vapid wouldn't I? But seriously, I did enjoy her speech at Princeton University I caught on TV. I spent a lot of time in the tree nursery there digging test holes for archaeology in the fall and winter for the interchange on Route 1 there a new hi-tech corridor that's been ongoing. I went to a conference when PC's came out and were installed at Forbes College there and met Anna Roosevelt, the former President Theodore Roosevelt's granddaughter who works on Marajo island in Brazil, the size of Indiana, and with these new tools we have new ways of understanding the past peacefully it's hoped.

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