Saturday, March 11, 2006

Yeah Mars!

I enjoyed the "tip" to watch for the orbital "insertion" and it was fun. That superconducting supercollider should have been built in Northern New York State, near Malone, where Mickey Rooney sometimes lives. They had the property for free (one of the grant conditions) and lotsa' cheap hydroelectric power nearby at the international hydro dam on the St. Lawrence River we share with Canada. Instead it was-half built and cancelled in Texas. I once worked on a smaller proposed accelerator for Brookhaven Lab on Long Island, there's WWI practice trenches there from when it was Camp Upton in Yaphank, NY (Irving Berlin wrote a song about it "Yip Yip Yaphank!") it was outdated by CERN's cooperation plans (CERN abbreviation: Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (French), European Organization for Nuclear Research, now known as the European Laboratory for Particle Physics.) I once watched turquoise samples from ancient mines in the American Southwest go into there to be neutron-activated for trace element analysis. The DOE no longer runs it, Stony Brook University and others do (of course now they have to clean up the tritium in the aquifer).

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