Monday, March 13, 2006

I Am a Liberal. There, I Said It!

Here in NYC we have a Liberal Party problem I read. If a party does not receive at least 50,000 votes, it's taken off the ballot machine, which New York State is being sued for, not having good machines, hanky-panky switches in these old geezers. Elections, I might add, here in NYC have gotten strange since 9/11/01 also the after-event of an election primary. On TV just before it, candidates were asked, what they would do with the impending $ from the sale of the WTC, which was going to happen, and a city share in the Port Authority generated, on ABC-TV I think. Each candidates response was checked and either X ed or checkmarked for its "reality check" according to experts. Wish I had that tape, but 2" has to made into 1/2" into whatever. One response was to build the low-and-middle income housing promised in return for the street-taking at the WTC site, which never happened. Another ballot problem was that the medical marijuana party and others shown to us in our city-wide voters guide, were never on the ballot-machine, after 9/11/01. Those blasted machines from the early 1960's I hear are to be replaced by others for a year, and then another set. I blame the loss of the "Liberal Party" on the ballot here in NYC to the contraptions we've allowed too long.

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