Friday, December 02, 2005

Bedbugs Taking Over US Again Because Of Increased World Travel, Changing Pest Control Practices… | The Huffington Post

"If they are, I hope they are not the 'superbug' from Iraq, read ferocious, and you can't give blood for a year if afflicted. I was in a former Holiday Inn, near Stewart Air Guard, Newburgh, NY where large military cargo planes fly in and out (one with 1/4 million hits of 'ectasy') and something was biting me I thought it was the spiders on Mama Leone's farm on West Point Academy's perimeter where we were but, who knows?" Actually, Stewart Airport in Newburgh NY is but one of several quarantine centers this country has for incoming livestock, and other agricultural imports to name but a "few". The other closest is in the Keys in FL. Posted by: TheShadow on December 02, 2005 at 04:36pm Image from "Germs, warfare In war, not all wounds are caused by bombs and bullets"

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