Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hastert Does Falwell's Bidding, Renames Capitol "Holiday" Tree "Christmas" Tree... | The Huffington Post

"The last original tree on the White House grounds was taken down because the squirrels were annoying the Bush Administration ('methinks he protesteth...aw shucks, conjure 'em'). I wrote they perhaps should have tried cutting the offending tree square instead of down, as are all the trees at the Albany Capital complex in New York, put up by former Governor and then Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller. I think it was to cut down on squirrel 'limb' networks, once said to stretch from NYC to Chicago, when Europeans first arrived. So all the trees are now 'foreign'. Tannenbaum started in New York City among German immigrants in Brooklyn it's written spreading from there to the rest of the US. Hope it don't come with a dictator."

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