Sunday, October 23, 2005

Tai Scosh

There is also a large number of films being shown in NYC at the Japan Society to promote understanding between our nations. What did happen? And why? On the one hand, every ship in the Nippon Navy and others had been sunk a few months before we dropped the A-bomb on Hiroshima (and 12 of our own POW's) on the other hand we have the justification of it "we estimate we would have lost 1 million Americans" (? who else?) invading the main islands. We had already fire-bombed Tokyo and other cites, (I read Yoko Ono, also a known art filmmaker, attending "Peer School" was forced to go begging in streets for food as a result of the firebombing of Tokyo, at a Tokyo newspaper trivia site). The Emperor's white samurai sword was stolen in the 1970's and returned in the 1990's by a mis-treated veteran, to the Kings Point Merchant Marine Academy on Long Island, in New York, just outside the city. I also read, despite the lack of research by both countries, that there was to be an official declaration of war, the translation of which was held up by a long hot Sunday eulogy service according to a researcher in Japan. Two weeks later, Germany declared war on the U.S., (some of the Hiroshima bomb from Nazi Germany) a few weeks later my granduncle Leman Urquhart, then captain of the "City of Atlanta" was torpedoed off Cape Hatteras, traveling to Savannah, GA from NYC, with the loss of 42 or 43 lives. It is good we can share films to discuss, across our differences.

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