Tuesday, October 25, 2005

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RE: Whistleblowers in government From: GeorgeJMyersJr-2 Date: Oct 25 2005 8:20AM Sorry to impugn Suffolk County I guess. It was Nassau County and they say, of course, its not true. But it goes back to the case about the ADA who in Louisiana thought to query her fellow employees and was fired. I met a Greek-American woman, a future Suffolk County ADA, who helped train "Seattle Slew" the famous racehorse, maybe I'll ask her someday. Her father was a Russian specialist in WWII, then a lawyer, then a judge. He used to like to cook in his spare time at the "White House" (sauerbraten?) restaurant in Coram, NY out on Long Island. I was best man at her sister's wedding, she's a folk-singer friend of Mrs. Woodie Guthrie, who has a small apartment at the Dakota, and heard sadly the shots that killed John Lennon she told me.

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