Thursday, February 03, 2005

Winter Break Anniversary About 30 years ago, my college room-mate borrowed his father's old car he used around the Sunoco station in Brooklyn to go to Grand Manan Island, NB for a winter break. Crossing back into the U-S, a Customs agent pulled a small marijuana seed out of the crack of the front bench seat. We were then strip searched and held in jail awaiting trial, "in concert," for a small hashish chunk in one occupant's underwear, the vehicle crossing the US/Canada border had to be bought back at book value, a charge I still feel ridiculous about. Having heard of a 16 year old leaping out a ten story window while waiting to see a judge with his mother for a small marijuana possession charge in NYC, and having met a lawyer's son made an example of with five years in NY's Attica prison (before the "police riot") for two marijuana cigarettes and a camera bought from a "mark," I think the subject should be re-examined. Reform those laws. Read this public chronicle.

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