Monday, February 14, 2005

Re: Suffolk Developmental,Willowbrook

I was part of an archaeological survey of it when it was going to be developed into a larger facility. In the Half Hollow Hills road section was the site of an old pharmacy once (nothing there now except the roses that bloom in the spring) and one of the houses standing nearby is very, very old, on an architectural list of possible 17th century houses I recall (just east of it) and some of it was pine forest looking, in the northwest. It is a shrine to legal wrangling, as it set a precedent for "segmentation" laws. That is, say you want to develop a 10 mile highway. You have some archaeologist and environmental impact statements done on the first 1/4 mile. Nothing there! Next 1/4 mile same deal! After a couple of miles, complain about all the money you've spent and get the rest of it (which you may know is sensitive environmentally/archaeologically) approved on the basis of past work. Interesting they were formally charged for it and I think law resulted over it. Half Hollow Hills is where the cattle used to stop for water on the way to graze on the South Shore meadows, from the north shore, apparently taken back and forth in places on Long Island. There is a book of cattle brands in the NY State Museum in Albany, NY for Suffolk County that stretches from the 1600's to 1961 or so. I heard branding is done with liquid nitrogen these days, instead of fire (used to brand the President Bush's buttock at the Bones and Skunks Club at Yale, with a coathanger). A large steer is on the Suffolk County, NY seal.

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