Thursday, April 09, 2009

"Eighteen hundred and froze to death"...1816

On Long Island, NY a "New Village" was started and a church now on the US National Register of Historic Places was constructed in the Federal Style in what is today Lake Grove, NY. It had been recorded that the 100 "mechanics" those that built ships in Setauket, had to wear their coats all summer. Some of the ship-building carpentry went into it but very subtle, perhaps its ornament not permitted, referring to a frugal time when "truck farming" began there and wood used for heating, in short supply after the War of 1812. Baltimore, Maryland became a "middleman" between the North, which had no crops and the South which did manage to avoid the frost which killed most crops. People seem to think global cooling resulting from volcanic dust spread high in the atmosphere is good. It causes death which requires rebirth. That "rebirth" from the American example I am familiar with, after Mount Tambora in Indonesia exploded in 1815 there came after a "Year Without Summer": "...Poverty Year or Eighteen hundred and froze to death, was 1816, in which severe summer climate abnormalities destroyed crops in Northern Europe, the American Northeast and eastern Canada. Historian John D. Post has called this "the last great subsistence crisis in the Western world." - Wikipedia Not an event to look forward to or it's opposite: crops "cooked" in the ground by rising temperatures. The national database has first built 1817, then 1815. The official Village of Lake Grove, NY online site states the First Congregational Church of New Village was built in 1812.