Saturday, August 02, 2008

Anthrax Scientists Lawyer Asserts His Clients Innocence

Maybe they were going to prosecute him for saying the anthrax in the mails was "weapons grade" to promote their research. Anthrax is very common in Asia, and may arrive from wooden pallets on hay floors. It also lasts, the Himalayan pony hay for the Shackleton's Expedition to the South Pole is dormant yet still a problem, according to British Princess Anne's sampling, a site Sir Edmund Hillary wanted the crown to protect, where he also explored. Bentonite is used in the creation of skyscraper foundations by the way I watched a French firm use it in a slurry that they place in a trench to displace water seepage until the vertical grillage of rebar is lowered into the channel chiseled in bedrock and the concrete is poured into the section displacing the slurry. So perhaps we are looking in the wrong place, no? Anthrax Scientists Lawyer Asserts His Clients Innocence - The Lede - Breaking News - New York Times Blog

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