Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fun place to see NY Senator Hillary Clinton in a barn...

I just spent five days where Babe Ruth used to go after the season was over, near Mansfield, Pennsylvania I thought you might want to know. "Our Babe: Babe Ruth loved Northern Pennsylvania, where he hunted, fished, and hit the world's longest home run." by Michael Capuzzo in "Mountain Home: Magazine of the Pennsylvania Mountains & New York Finger Lakes FREE" October 2007. It was 86 F in Elmira, NY Monday and by Friday it dropped to 44 where I was staying (across from a new large rustic Harley Davidson dealership) at West's which also has a restaurant, bar, painted ponies, and a great golf package they say.

We were testing for the Dominion gas company there, someone has an idea of turning underground salt into brine then piped to someplace to become salt again and filling the underground caverns with gas from the surrounding pipelines. The salt mines near Lake Cayuga in Myers, New York, filled with water and collapsed a few years ago, and NYC had to import rock salt for its icy roads until another source was found near Letchworth State Park ("...renowned as the "Grand Canyon of the East," which is funny where I just was has the "Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania" which I visited in high school with the class president). Native American burials I heard were found there and after consultation with the Iroquois Council, they were not moved (before 1999).

Oil was found in Pennsylvania first under a salt "dome" that once drilled for though dancing a foot jig on a chisel, I imagine, that drill that hit oil in western Pennsylvania was a little different. Lots of cows and rocky ground up there near the hunting preserve (we saw bison, elk, deer, and who knows what else behind the tall fence, velocitoraptors (happy chickens)? ) near Mann's Hill.

The rock opera? Oh ah freethinker Brian Flemming's Weblog  (coauthor "Bat Boy: The Musical" and called an "atheist" on-line by the Religious Right) has it on his web site "September 29" as "Evel Knieval The Rock Opera" by Jef Bek directed by another coauthor of "Bat Boy: The Musical".

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