Tuesday, March 21, 2006

NY Times: Inside the Brooklyn Bridge, a Whiff of the Cold War

I enjoyed the Civil Defense finds article in the Brooklyn Bridge. It reminded me of Newfield High School on Marshall Drive in Selden, NY (named after the judge who defended Susan B. Anthony Upstate for dressing as a man to vote, a judicial taboo broken testifying to her character) which had the first JROTC Marine Corps about 1969-1975 (there are 20,000 JROTC the "Defense Monitor" reported, in mostly poor schools that cost back in the 1990s $1 billion a year, "Are They Worth It?" they asked). In its basement there were similar supplies. Your article "left out" some things I recall, the plastic bags to be used as liners for the water cans turned commodes and the abundance of sanitary napkins, perhaps left out of the article, or further looking would find. There were also water purification tablets I think, after the water was empty the plastic liner went in. I don't recall if there was water in them, maybe those a later issue (c. 1968?), inside the cans, the crackers without boxes, the bags, the water purification, and sanitary napkins, etc., first aid.(?) They might still be there, our then undefeated fencing team used to practice in part of the basement, raising concrete dust. Another high school was added, Centereach, H.S. with a planetarium voted for instead of a swimming pool.

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