Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Peace symbol

Carl G. Jung, M.D., the "heir apparent" to Sigmund Freud, (Freud was fond of cinema and is seen leaving an airplane with a "home movie" camera arriving here in Westchester, NY in the late 1920's, a picture shown in the press recently found by the relation of a M.D. friend of his here he visited) published a paperback book, posthumously I think called "Man and His Symbols" about the various signs and symbols we use in our world to communicate, i.e., the Mercedes, the various products in business, etc. One in particular I acquired in the town of Woodstock, NY in 1968 has been on many peoples minds, the "Peace" symbol which came after Dr. Jung's book, which I enjoyed so much at the end of high school I was spirited away from other studies in an attempt to read his collected works published in a number of volumes, at the Suffolk County Community College, said later by the County Historian to be where, on-top of the hill of the former sanitarium now college, two Irish slaves of one of the Norse explorers, climbed and saw the Great South Bay, Fire Island and the Atlantic Ocean beyond. I also attending high school was in the audience of two presentations of Shakespeare's "Henry V" one at the theater in Stratford, on the Thames in Connecticut, a school trip with my English class, and the other, when the production moved to Broadway, with my humanities class, with Mr. Gold. At the first production, there were also many handicraft vendors and I purchased a small leather ring with a "peace symbol" attached to it, prior to seeing the play I think. More recently I read the symbol is actually based on semaphore which though defined as "An apparatus for visual signaling with lights or mechanically moving arms" was originally an alphabet based on flag positions of two human arms, signally or spelling out the letters of the message with arm positions of the flags. The "peace" symbol is the position of two letters "N" and "D" (similar to the Mercedes symbol though it has no "legs") which were described as standing for "_N_uclear _D_isarmament" started in England over the idea of stationing nuclear missiles by the US/NATO to launch at the USSR. I once lived with a nuclear laser scientist sons, here from Italy as he worked at the nearby Brookhaven National Laboratory, now run by a consortium of universities, headed by Stony Brook University, where we were in attendance along with a Cherokee-Italian American. One of the sons started the Amnesty International chapter at Stony Brook University and went on to work in the non-proliferation of arms. The other was studying in the new field of Boolean logic encoded into "chips" and I think I gave him my two board demonstrator I had acquired from Edmund Scientific. It ran off a lantern battery and you patched onto posts, wire-ends to create different logic circuits, lighting up the three or six LED's (light emitting diodes, infrared ones are used in the "total station" I went on to work with in archaeology, a way of recording 3-D locations used by land surveyors) in different patterns, representing NOR, NAND, ADD, etc., logic "gates" from George Boole, a logician. "Keep patching" was the motto of the kit. I once mistakenly had hooked up the battery opposite and blew the diode under my finger, (not light emitting, it prevents current from flowing the wrong way, protecting other circuits, then a "HED", heat emitting diode, ouch!) and soldered in a replacement with one from Radio Shack. It's similar to an electronic kit of radio my grandfather had given me years ago. All this stuff must be working well. However when the shift changed, someone forgot to tell the next shift that there was going to be a research missile launch from Norway, and the Russians almost launched a counter-offensive in 1995 I read. Some of our NIKE missiles are used in Swedish rocket weather research. The chronicler of it there discovered an article from East Germany that suggested Korean Flight 007 was shot down over a sub-orbital "satellite", launched over "enemy territory" to gather intelligence, chased in pursuit. My archaeology co-worker joined US Naval Intelligence after working together in Neptune, NJ (actor Jack Nicholson's home town) and collided with a Chinese fighter-interceptor and emergency landed on Hainan Island in China. Hello Ken!

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