Saturday, February 04, 2006

Free news tips

The "Washington Post" has out-scooped the NY media at least twice. The first was the book on "Wedtech" those military bridges to be built in the South Bronx Republican-inspired "economic empowerment zone" (they ought to do their homework, the Capitol dome was cast here in the Bronx and erected for President Lincoln during the Civil War for $1 million, replacing the "hat box") corrupt government program and the recent book I read of theirs on anthrax, in which Selective Service, "conscientious objectors" used in anthrax experiments were recently given medals. Kathy Nguyen (also the name in "Park and Nguyen" lawyers in the Morris Park section of the Bronx, frequented by Regis Philbin who grew up a block from here) a Vietnamese-American nurse died of anthrax in the "attack". She was from the borough of the Bronx, NY, yet as I recall, there was no anthrax found anywhere where they found her deceased. I once worked for a "c.o." who sued for his status on non-religious grounds, his dad a WWII bombsight technician. Perhaps XXX should do a follow-up, since as prod to invaded Iraq, it was a highly emotional issue, an attribution, leveled at the United Nations by another Bronx "native" General Colin Powell at the United Nations, contributing to the atmosphere of fear and justification for going along with the current Republican led administration in it's prosecution under the War Powers Act, whether the U.N. agreed or not. When they're out of office, Republicans like nothing better than to complain of its effects, of the War Powers Act, swear to reform it, then use it to invade and bomb other countries (Cambodia under Nixon, Afghanistan and Iraq under the current President Bush, numerous places under his father, etc.) without at least calling for hearings to reconsider its, "...however I choose" perception. My cousin George Murray, from the Bronx, directed "Huntley and Brinkley," produced "NBC Nightly News," produced both parties convention coverage for CBS in 1976 and had his eulogy read by Edwin Newman in the U.N. Chapel. In it was read a letter canceling a "common soldiers view" (he had been an Army Captain in the Korean War) investigation that was going on in Vietnam, cancelled by "higher ups". So let's revue the anthrax story maybe, after all the former Republican mayor made a lot of money cleaning it up I read.

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