Thursday, October 13, 2005

Whistleblowers in government

Parallel universe? The NY Nassau County DA's office has a lawsuit by a former ADA who now teaches public school in Harlem. She has sued on "sexism" charges as to procedure for advancement within the administration of ADA work. "Whistleblows" can be a lot more economically and politically cost-saving, when one considers that "sexism" cases are far from "frivolous" and actual suits can tie up the courts. Though maybe they should be, and then forced to hear the third brief Morris Opler (his Chicago U. Ph.D. on the Apache) wrote on the rights of people in internments, the Supreme Court only hearing two. What of the "Japanese" wrested out of 17 other countries and interned and perhaps interred in the camps? And speaking of "whistleblowers", what about the government contracts 'whistleblower' who flagged the lack of review of long term contracts the that Haliburton was involved with? Improper reviews of long term contracts, over a certain period are supposed to be subject to re-review she said. And they weren't, more "magna carte blank check", than government oversight. Which leads this all back to the GAO suing for the 'energy committee' minutes in the first year of the previous four years of George Walker Bush's presidency, and the White House's refusal to cooperate with its own executive branch of accounting administration, the GAO, the Government Accounting Office, which prepares the President's budget for the Congress. Whatever the courts decide I hope there are enough safeguards to keep that woman around. Across from Campobello Island, where FDR lived in Canada, is the "Whistle" on Grand Manan Island, N.B. a Canadian cousin's family of mine once manned before it was automated. The "Whistle" there, where right whales keep a nursery, is also a very loud foghorn warning ships and boats away from the rocks. "Whistleblowing" should be considered an important aspect of democracy, corruption the rocks it may, yet again, crash to ruins without.

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