Saturday, November 27, 2004

Re: I'm peach Walker B.

MSN's Slate Chatterbox Subject:RE: I'm peach Walker B. From:GeorgeJMyersJr-2 Date:Nov 27 2004 6:56AM Well in the movie "Sitting Bull" starring Iron Eyes Cody, whom I met at a Choctaw pow-wow in Philadelphia, Mississippi back in 1979, (a place Ronald Reagan made a big deal over sitting in a rocking chair there as part of his campaign for Commander-in-Chief (CIC) with the Republicans [kicked off in Upstate New York] who were phonebook registering [maybe harassing is a better word] many Mississippi residents, who'd answer the phone, getting Trent Lott into office by-the-way and an aircraft carrier built there the Pentagon didn't want, along with many other things crammed down their craw by politicians) it is related that the "Great White Chief" from Washington would meet the "Chief of Chiefs" Sitting Bull, which never happened, regrettably. My little word play is what did we do again, that? Maybe if we had not went agaga over gogo with Monica (whose family lives next door to Bob and Libby Dole in the Watergate Complex in D.C. and in my mind history may "un-name" Mata Hari, and replace her name with Lewinsky) and Bill Clinton then President, who was paid 1/2 as much a year as George Walker Bush receives (whom would-be impeachers call Walker B. not the inane "dubya" in baby dude chick talk) had not been permitted by law to be harassed (and his wife) by the Arkansas Bar, we would have a better day today and not be involved in a replay of Schwartzkopf's father's expeditionary force to perhaps put a "shah" in power, this time Iraq. He later was in charge of the Lindbergh baby kidnapping Federal investigation, a case some still think should be reopened, (so too Flight 800).

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