Monday, April 10, 2006 Blog Do We Need Another Woodward?

I woke up one morning to P.M. Blair warning Americans they could lose some of their rights over this war which still strikes me strange considering the source (and not because his family photos ended up at the local chemists and back again). There have been recommendations ignored on both side of the "pond" I personally checked in and out of the West Point Military Academy many times and few times at the Picatinney Arsenal, NJ just after Anthrax Day 1 if you will. I haven't read Woodward's book and he didn't disclose "Deep Throat" <- he did that himself. I did however read the "Washington Post" paper's book on anthrax research, (Conscientious Objectors were recently given medals for their participation in anthrax experiments, what a Draft Board huh? Better than bombsight maintenance, and smoke-jumping) which I understand Judith Miller of the "NY Times" was trying to "duplicate" if you will, with similar research into the government's, once Nixon ordered moratorium, on some part of chemical and biological weapons, which may in part why she ended up in the clink perhaps this suspicious citizen thinks. Another Bob Woodward? I guess, he helped make former President Richard Nixon rich, which I sometimes think, having met one of the executive secretaries of the former advertising agency that one of the Watergate co-conspirators worked for (J. Walter Thompson) was their intent, another would make George W Bush rich when he writes his "masterpiece".

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