Saturday, March 04, 2006

Phase Out Use of Perchloroethylene by Dry Cleaners

Dear EPA Docket Center (6102T) OAR 20050155: Right now, many dry cleaners are a toxic menace. They do not need to be. All over the country, environmentally responsible dry cleaners have stopped using perchloroethylene (perc) and switched to safer alternatives. These dry cleaners have made their neighborhoods safer. It is EPA's job to protect our communities from toxic pollution. You have the authority to ensure that all dry cleaners -- not just a few -- switch from perc to safe alternatives. You know that these alternatives exist and are commercially available right now. You know that these alternatives are cost-effective. You know that they will eliminate one of the worst sources of cancer risk this country faces. I'm sure George and Weezie Jefferson, (who owned a "chain" of dry cleaners in the TV series "Movin' On Up" - Ed.- I meant "The Jeffersons") would approve. Statistically "perc" may affect the minority owners the most, (as I was told by a "black" social anthropologist, they own most of them) and where they are often located, may be hurt the most by "perc". Please use your authority to require all dry cleaners in America to make a phased-in switch from perc to safe alternatives. Thank you for considering my comments.

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